Monthly Archives: February 2013


I think I might be done with these back-of-a-business-card portraits.  They’re so fun, though, and I have SO many left (business cards). Anyway, here’s Randy.  Oh, and they still don’t know… shhhhh…

Watercolor on the back of one of my old business cards

Watercolor on the back of one of my old business cards


Still on the back of business cards (and, boy!, do I have a bunch of those left)… Our son in his Robin costume.

Owen: watercolor on the back of my business card

Owen: watercolor on the back of my business card


Carl (last post) was so fun, I thought it would be neat to draw the rest of the crew at work. My job title changed a few months ago and I’ve been holding on to my old business cards ever since. I didn’t want to throw them away, although I should have. Such a hoarder! 🙂 Anyway, now I’ve got at least a hundred little canvases (or should that be canvii?). Best get to work. Here’s Faye.



A salesman cold-called me yesterday and gave me his business card. I dislike cold-calls. I was just about to toss the card when I thought I might be able to use it some other way. I flipped it over, and just before the end of my day at work, I did a 5-minute sketch of Carl (dude here at work). Who knew the backs of business cards would take watercolor so well?
